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Whether you’re getting ready to shop for wedding bands or working to build out your gold coin collection, you may be curious to know about the different gold options available. You may be surprised to learn that it’s not just a matter of choosing “gold vs. rose gold” or selecting your preference in terms of karats. Here, we provide an overview of the different types of gold, including the array of karats, colors, and plating options at your fingertips.

It’s All About the Karat

While shopping for gold jewelry, you likely heard terms such as “18 karat gold” or “14k gold ring.” These terms describe the purity of the mineral. When a piece of jewelry or collector’s item is described as “24 karats,” the gold is in its purest form. Most gold is mixed with other metals (alloyed) to fashion the item you’re interested in now. This is done to give the gold strength, create different colors, and reduce the gold price to a more reasonable range.

You can shop for gold pieces in the following karatages:

Color Me Pretty: Types of Gold Colors

In addition to its karatage, gold is often defined by its color. The color varies based on the types and quantities of alloys mixed into it. Most people consider the color of gold when they are buying jewelry because the color adds to its visual appeal and can either highlight or clash with the wearer’s skin tone.

The most popular colors of gold include:

As you research different types of gold, you’ll read about other colors of gold, including purple gold, blue gold, and even black gold. However, these types are often brittle, rare, or too malleable and are not well-suited for jewelry.

The Finer Details: Gold Plating Options

We can’t discuss the different types of gold without mentioning the variety of plating styles you may encounter when shopping for gold jewelry. The style used on a particular piece of jewelry will vary based on the gold content and the method used to create the item. Popular types of gold plating include:

Want to Buy Gold Jewelry? Have Gold to Sell? We Can Offer a Great Deal!

Now that you know more about the different types of gold, you’re likely jumping at the chance to expand your collection by purchasing items from our expert gold coin buyers or bringing in the cash by selling your gold jewelry. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling, you can trust The Jewelers & Loan Co. to provide incredible deals and a pain-free shopping experience. Stop by our pawn shop to learn more or get an idea of how much you can get for your gold items using our gold calculator.