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We Buy Designer Handbags for Cash

Sell your Louis Vuitton bag for Cash

Are you looking for the best place to sell your designer handbags near you? The Jewelers & Loan Company of Quincy, Massachusetts buys designer bags for cash. If you want to sell your luxury handbag, we buy bags that are new or used. Are you interested in selling your Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or Chanel bag? Or did you want to sell your Christian Louboutin shoes? We would like to assist you with a pawn or sale. You can also borrow money or receive a pawn loan on your luxury handbag in 5 minutes or less. Resell your designer bags for cash. We are the best luxury handbag buyer located in Quincy, MA.

Many people have handbags, wallets, shoes, or belts sitting in their closet that they no longer use, or have never used. Why not trade them in for cash? We buy bags in any condition. If you have the original receipt, certificate of authenticity, dust bag, or box, your luxury handbag or designer item may be worth more. Having a clean (non-smoking preferred) designer hand bag makes it easier to pawn or sell for cash.

Selling your designer bag or luxury items is quick and easy. You can come in, send us a photo of the item you want to sell, or text us at 617-479-4653. Below, you can find a list of the items and designer brands we buy.

Best Place to Sell Designer Handbags

get cash for designer bags

Complete List of Brands We Buy

Brands We Do Not Buy

  • BCBG
  • Coach
  • Dooney & Bourke
  • Guess
  • Juicy Couture
  • Kate Spade
  • Marc Jacobs
  • Michael Kors
  • Rebecca Minkoff
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • Tory Burch
  • Vera Bradley
Gucci handbags

Resell your Designer Bags

Are you wondering, “Where can I sell my used Louis Vuitton bag?” Many men and women have one or more designer handbags in their closet. People often like to resell their used bags to make room in their closet for new ones. Brand new styles of bags are made each season. Or maybe you just want cash for your used Louis Vuitton bag. We buy Louis Vuitton bags right near you. Each handbag has a unique style and shows off your own personal taste. Bags are made in different fabrics, designs, and colors. We buy designer bags in all different shapes and sizes. The types of bags we buy at the Jewelers and Loan Co. are listed below.

  • Handbags
  • Shoulder bags
  • Totes
  • Clutches and evening bags
  • Crossbody bags
  • Backpacks
  • Luggage
  • Duffel bags
  • Garment bags
  • Messenger bags
  • Satchels
  • Hobo bags
  • Belt bags
  • Trunks
gucci bags buyers
Gucci belts being sold

We Buy Louis Vuitton Wallets


We Buy Gucci Belts

At the Jewelers and Loan Company, we buy small leather goods and other designer accessories. Sell your Louis Vuitton wallet for cash. If you want to sell your Gucci belt or Chanel wallet, come to the Jewelers and Loan Co. The items we buy include the following.

  • Wallets
  • Pouches
  • Key Holders
  • Card Holders
  • Phone Cases
  • Belts
  • Scarves
  • Hats
  • Gloves
  • Keychains
  • Sunglasses
  • Jewelry
Chanel wallet being sold
louis vuitton wallet being sold
Louis vuitton bags for cash
Christian Louboutins buyers

Sell Designer Shoes for Cash

The Jewelers and Loan Co. buys designer shoes and clothing for cash. Are you interested in selling your Christian Louboutin heels? What about those Gucci sneakers you only wore once? We buy Louboutins at the Jewelers and Loan Co. right near you. Sell your Louboutin Pigalles in Quincy, MA. The items we accept include:

  • Boots
  • Heels
  • Sandals
  • Slippers
  • Sneakers
designer shoes for cash
designer slippers for cash